Quentin Beck Really Was From The Multiverse Theory


    In Spider-Man Far From Home Quentin Beck works with a team of fellow disgruntled Stark Tech employees who have banded together to try to get the EDITH technology from Peter Parker after it is delivered to him by Nick Fury. They come up with an entire "fake" backstory about him being from Earth 833 and how his world was destroyed by elemental monsters that are now attacking MCU Earth 616. We find out he is lying and is actually a former Stark employee who created the B.A.R.F. technology that Tony shows off at the beginning of Civil War and is using cloaking and drone tech to pretend to be a superhero.

    But what if he was only partially lying? Quentin Beck correctly (according to MoM) guessed that the MCU reality is designated 616, but what if it was not a guess? In Multiverse of Madness Dr. Palmer tells our heroes that the main MCU reality is Earth 616 and the one the Illuminati/Baxter Foundation is in is Earth 838. So here is my theory, what if Quentin Beck is actually from Earth 838 and worked at the Baxter Foundation where they are studying the multiverse and was accidentally sucked into one of their experiments and landed in Earth 616. What would he do? I would assume he would immediately try to reach the Baxter Foundation on Earth 616 but unfortunately there is not one. No Mister Fantastic, no Professor X, Dr. Palmer is in the medical field so where does he turn? The smartest man on the planet Tony Stark.

    Beck knows he cannot tell Tony that he is from a different universe so instead he shows off some of his technology and inventions (what would become B.A.R.F.) to secure himself a job at Stark Enterprises. Beck spends years trying to come up with a way to get back to his own universe but one day is found out by Stark that he is trying to go through the Quantum realm and use it as a doorway back to his universe. Stark finds out and thinks he is crazy; they have an argument that leads to Beck's dismissal from the company.

    Fast forward Beck has been stuck in 616 and the events of Infinity War and Endgame happen, no more Tony Stark. During the blip he and a bunch of former Stark employees have basically formed a hate group trying to find a way to ruin Stark, but once they hear of his death, they turn to try to steal his technology because they think it is rightfully theirs. This is where they find out that Tony left EDITH to Peter (good job finding that out Janice) and they band together to get steal it from him.

    Well, their plan works they get EDITH and this boosts the already impressive fake Mysterio powers. But something isn't quite right, Beck continues to push more and more to become bigger and bigger hero. He is obsessed with this, even threatening to kill his cohorts. He wants to become the new face of 616 Earth's mightiest heroes. But wait, surely someone as smart as Beck would put together if he pulls this off there is no way he would ever actually become a hero and fight bad guys like the actual Avengers. I think that is because he has(/had) a different motive.

    I believe Beck was trying his hardest to become the face of Earth 616's heroes because he knows Earth 838 Baxter Foundation is watching and monitoring the multiverse! He knows if he does become the face of the Avengers that will throw up a big enough red flag that possibly ole Jim Halpert himself will come and snatch him out of this reality and bring him back to Earth 838 so he does not cause their universes to have an incursion destroying both!

    I think he could have worked with Guterman coming up with the story, basing the Elementals off his own Earth's Spider-Man villains. He chose to say he was from 833 instead of 838 to cover his tracks a bit but is smart enough to give Guterman all the credit for coming up with the story to help cover his track further. Remember was still is a scientist and did not want to cause an incursion. 

    So what do you think? Is this even a possibility? Is he really dead in the MCU, or maybe he survived being shot but his plan worked and he escaped? Let me know on Twitter @HaroldLStokes your thoughts and be sure to follow me there for more theories as well as big previews for all MCU properties like this one I did for Doctor Strange 2!

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