HLS Movie Awards 2021: Streaming Award Nominees

Third 3rd annual HLS Movie Awards eat your heart out Academy no little oscars needed

    Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be doing two things, discuss the nominees for the third annual HLS Movie Awards Streaming Award and discuss the schedule for the HLS Movie Awards. The Streaming Award honors the streaming service that had the best year putting out films, and schedule will be breaking down when to expect every blog of the Top 115 Movies of 2021 and the award nominations!

    Last year was the first time we decided to add the Streaming Award because 2020 was a year that had most film fans locked away at home and had movie theaters closed. Where did this leave the piles of movies set to come out? Well, the biggest were shifted around on the movie release schedule, meanwhile the smaller non blockbuster films were either shelved, put on demand for rent, or their rights were bought up by streaming services. 2020 put us in a unique situation of having more access to higher quality films easier than normal years, and this has permanently changed the film landscape. I am a huge proponent of the absolute best film watching experience is in a theater with a crowd, but we could not do that in 2020 and parts of the world are still not ready for that to return yet. Theatrical release windows are shrinking and are completely gone in certain instances. As someone who tries to watch all the awards movies each year, this has been a blessing because most are now available online via streaming services versus a time when they were released in a very low number of theaters and were just about impossible to see unless you lived in New York or LA until months after awards season ended.

    This year and moving forward I think the Streaming Award will be important because however much it pains me to say, the theater experience is just about dead, and more and more films will be going straight to streaming. This is not me saying ALL movies will, and they shouldn't, but non blockbusters will be more likely to be produced or be bought up by streamers going forward then going on a crappy three-week theatrical run before theaters take them out because they are not performing. But enough of my doomsday theater whining, go support your local theaters including buying their gift cards, and here are the nominees and rounding up or down on approximately how many of their films I watched this year. 

Amazon Prime 10

AppleTV           5

Disney+           5 

HBOMax:      15

Hulu                 5

Netflix            30

    Netflix is the heavyweight; we all knew and expect that each year but they care more for quantity rather than quality. HBOMax and Amazon Prime had some hit and some huge misses. This year one of my goals is to watch more original movies on Disney+ and Hulu I know they have more. And AppleTV is our newcomer to this list and had a very strong showing this year. Which is your favorite streamer?

Okay now before I let you go let us discuss the schedule for this year's HLS Movie Awards roll out.

February 9th - Top 116 Part 1 - 116-101

February 9th - Streaming Award Nominees

February 11th - Top 116 Part 2 - 100-91

February 11th - Best Stunt Work Nominees

February 16th - Top 116 Part 3 - 90-71

February 18th - Best Score Nominees

February 23rd - Top 116 Part 4 70-51

February 25th - Best Screenplay / Dialogue Nominees

February 25th - Best Ensemble Acting Nominees

March 2nd - Top 116 Part 5 - 50-26

March 4th - Best Cinematography Nominees

March 9th - Top 116 Part 6 - 25-11

March 11th - Best Actress Nominees

March 16th - Top 116 Part 7 - Best Picture Nominees

March 18th - Best Actor Nominees

March 23rd - The Third Annual HLS Movie Awards!

This is how the schedule plays out! Every blog will be published at 9 am Central time and will immediately be pushed across all of my social media, primarily on my Twitter @HaroldLStokes! So be sure to follow along and send me your predictions using #HLSMA. For those curious here is last years Streaming Award nominees and you can scroll down to find out the winner of last year's streaming award from the 2021 HLS Movie Awards.

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