
Showing posts with the label Moon Knight

Moon Knight Preview, Breakdown and Theories!

     Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be discussing Moon Knight! We are going to breakdown absolutely everything you need to know before watching the show! The show will release every Wednesday around 2am central time, yes, it is dumb that it releases during the night instead of primetime, but they do so to appeal to a worldwide audience. I have been doing a preview then a weekly in-depth breakdown for a while now and those are on this site so I will point you there for my "credentials" as to why you should care as to what my preview and theories say. Here are my  Loki ,  Hawkeye ,  No Way Home ,  Shang-Chi , and  Eternals  previews check them out, see that I am decent at this and then let us dive on into Moon Knight!     My previews are broken down into four sections of things to know - locations, people, plot breakdown and theories. There WILL BE SPOILERS throughout, but that is just based on my track record I have not seen or read anything outside o