Quentin Beck Really Was From The Multiverse Theory

SPOILERS FOR DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS In Spider-Man Far From Home Quentin Beck works with a team of fellow disgruntled Stark Tech employees who have banded together to try to get the EDITH technology from Peter Parker after it is delivered to him by Nick Fury. They come up with an entire "fake" backstory about him being from Earth 833 and how his world was destroyed by elemental monsters that are now attacking MCU Earth 616. We find out he is lying and is actually a former Stark employee who created the B.A.R.F. technology that Tony shows off at the beginning of Civil War and is using cloaking and drone tech to pretend to be a superhero. But w hat if he was only partially lying? Quentin Beck correctly (according to MoM) guessed that the MCU reality is designated 616, but what if it was not a guess? In Multiverse of Madness Dr. Palmer tells our heroes that the main MCU reality is Earth 616 and the one the Illuminati/Baxter Foundation i...