About Us Page
HLS Entertainment
Founder ? Harold L Stokes
What does the 'L' stand for? On my home planet it stands for hope
Where are you located? Dagobah
What do you cover? All things Football, Movies, Comics, Whatever I Want
Are there other writers? None right now but will be in the future
Can I apply to be a writer? Sure send me an email for more info
Will it be a paid position? Not likely
Hi this is Buddy the Elf what's your favorite color? Blue red or green but I wear black
Do you have any experience in any of the fields you cover? Yes I have watched movies my entire life
But really? Yes, I was an assistant on the offensive football staff at Alabama for little over four years
And movies? Like I said I have been watching them my entire life
And writing? Been writing since I was five years old, so multiple decades of experience
Are you done making stupid jokes? Never, read the blog for more weekly