HLS Movie Awards Top 160 Movies of 2022 Part 2! 100-51

Welcome back to the HLS Movie Awards! Today we are going through the Top 160 movies of 2022, and this list shall cover 100 thought 51. This is a really weird chunk of the list because as you will see, there are a LOT of good movies here. I have been calling it for a long time that 2022 will be an all-time year of film and I think this section really shows it. So many times, even for myself, as I wrote out names I was like "__ is this low?" but there were just that many good movies this year. Tons of big blockbusters, horror and a resurgence of really good romcoms are in this section and I hope you get to check them out! Well anyway I won't waste too much more time you know how this goes! Real quick, like always with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale there is, the IMDB user rating score. Here is a simple breakdown of what their 0.0-10 grading scale means: 0.1-5.0 = Horrible waste of t...