Random Sports : DC v Marvel - Basketball

Welcome to Random Sports, Marvel v DC edition. We will be going through random sports and talking about what characters would be great at certain sports or athletic events, example Steve Rodgers has to be the worlds greatest discus thrower and disc golf competitor or Hawkeye and golf... This week two teams of 5 DC characters and 5 Marvel characters will be facing off on the court playing basketball. Each team will be assigned a coach and the starting 5, with standard rules of basketball in play here we are only adding a few additional rules. The only powers allowed are those within the confines of the body, powers that involved strength, speed, dexterity, intelligence etc.. Any power that is outside these confines are not allowed, examples being flight, telekinesis, any manipulation of matter, competitors or surroundings, etc.. I invite everyone to please comment their vote in the comments as to who would win in a seven ...