Hawkeye First Half Season Recap and SPOILER Theories!
W elcome back to are weekly HLS Entertainment MCU Show recap and theories blog! If you missed the full show preview and theories blog, you can click here to read what our predictions were! I have missed doing these weekly recaps so much since Loki I couldn't wait to get back into these but Thanksgiving stopped me from having time to put out a recap and theories blog after the first two episodes dropped last week. Well now episode three has dropped and we are back! As a reminder these will be FULL SPOILERS for the entire show (and the MCU) filled with theories. So this is your only spoiler warning. We are going to speed through the first two episodes and then do a deep dive on episode three. The show opens with Kate in with her parents in their New York City penthouse in 2012. What happened in 2012? Loki's invasion of NYC with the Chitauri, the "death" of Kate's father setting up the driving force in Kate's life. I adore the idea that t...