Moon Knight Preview, Breakdown and Theories!

    Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be discussing Moon Knight! We are going to breakdown absolutely everything you need to know before watching the show! The show will release every Wednesday around 2am central time, yes, it is dumb that it releases during the night instead of primetime, but they do so to appeal to a worldwide audience. I have been doing a preview then a weekly in-depth breakdown for a while now and those are on this site so I will point you there for my "credentials" as to why you should care as to what my preview and theories say. Here are my LokiHawkeyeNo Way HomeShang-Chi, and Eternals previews check them out, see that I am decent at this and then let us dive on into Moon Knight!

    My previews are broken down into four sections of things to know - locations, people, plot breakdown and theories. There WILL BE SPOILERS throughout, but that is just based on my track record I have not seen or read anything outside of the promotional materials. So, if you want ZERO spoilers just click like and share/RT on the post you saw this blog on and tune in on Wednesdays.  If you want to know what in the world is happening in this show and have theories and ideas going through your head to make the show more fun continue reading! On to the breakdown!

Locations to Expect

The British Museum in London - This is where the Steven Grant personality works

Some German town?

    Spoilers the yellow and pink truck to the left is the one Marc/Steven will escape in

Cairo, Egypt - I am not sure how much of the story takes place here but it does seem to be a big chunk. There should be other locations throughout the show, but these are the ones we know for sure.

Characters to Know

Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Moon Knight / Mr Knight / etc. - Oscar Isaac

    Okay, this IS going to be a bit confusing because at this point in time do not know which is the primary personality...but does that matter? The character of Moon Knight/Marc Spector/ Steven Grant/etc suffers from dissociative identity disorder. In the simplest terms they have two or more distinct personality states, this was previously referred to as multiple personality disorder and usually a reaction to some sort of trauma as the brain tries to deal with that. I am not a doctor but that is what my google doctorate informs me of. 

    Each of these personality states, when it comes to Moon Knight specifically, takes on a different outward appearance and personality. Some may be excellent at certain things while the others are a novice. Example would be one maybe can play the piano, and another speaks in a British accent and maybe another is a trained mercenary who kills people..

    Key thing is just go with it and let it happen, Oscar Isaac is a wonderful actor and should put on quite the show. Speaking of this show has been described by cast members as a mixture of Indiana Jones and Fight Club and if that does not at least peak your interest I don't know what will.

Khonshu - F. Murray Abraham '

    Khonshu is the ancient Egyptian god of the Moon whose name means traveler. In Egyptian mythology he has been associated as a protector of Horus who has had many battles with the Egyptian mythological deity Set, the god of the desert. Just want you to have that info in your mind.

Arthur Harrow - Ethan Hawke

    The Mysterious leader of a cult that worships Oshtur/Ma'at the goddess of balance and order (his scale tattoo) and seemingly the primary antagonist of this show. In the cast there is also an Ammit, which could be short for Ammitu/Ammut which is a crocodile headed sphinx. I believe they could be taking the Seth/Set storyline where Ammit is pretending to be Oshtur to trick Harrow into worshiping her how Seth took on a similar name to Set to trick a cult into worshipping him. 

Layla El-Faouly - May Calamawy

    We honestly know VERY LITTLE about this character and seems to be a new creation for the show. From what we piece together she obviously previously knows Marc Spector, but not Steven the gift shop keeper. Being a mystery obviously leads us to think she COULD be an attempt to trick Steven into helping her. There is a character from Thor comics called professor Abdul Faoul, also called Scarlet Scarab, who was not exactly a good person, and they did hunt down Egyptian artifacts. This could easily be a twist on that character and, it could just be too easy, she does give Steven a scarab to hold onto and protect in the trailer.

Plot Breakdown

So here I am going to do a plot point breakdown of how I see this show's story playing out. Obviously, there are tons of details left out as to what fills out each episode but this is how I see the big moments happening.

We are introduced to Steven Grant a gift shop keeper in The British Museum in London

We see a day in the life of this awkward probably quirky shop keeper and dive into his mental issues of his lack of sleep not being able to determine when he is awake or asleep. We see he has gone to extreme measure to try to fix his "sleep issue".

    We see Steven go out for a date, but he has the wrong day of the week and he missed it. This is when he discovers the Razor flip phone that was hidden and a key to a storage unit(/something just a guess). This is where we first see Khonshu and it really freaks out Steven and he runs away the "lost contact" bit from the trailer. And he receives a mysterious phone call, assumingly from Layla, but she calls him Marc.

    We get more and more teases of the other personas until one night Steven is at the museum alone and late at night and is attacked by an Anubis. This is where we get the bathroom beatdown and we first see Moon Knight in all his glory. I imagine this does not stop just in the bathroom we have scenes of him running over rooftops fighting another Anubis so the bathroom fight could be just the beginning of a fight set piece, that I think ends showing us Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight is the three-piece white suit wearing Moon Knight sans jacket.

    We could get very interesting starts and ends to the episodes to help play off his "sleep issue" like maybe he just wakes up in the middle of the street at the start of one and this is where we see Layla stop and recognize him as Marc in the trailer. Or maybe she called him and told him to meet there we do not know. 

    So, we meet Layla, she thinks he is Marc and he nervously just goes with it and they are tracking Harrow. Harrow realizes this, maybe Layla steals the scarab from him but she gives it to Steven to  protect it. This is where I believe Layla could be captured by Harrow (who we see summoning an Anubis in this scene) but somehow Steven escapes, possibly by becoming Mr. Knight and he might not have any connection to Layla so he does not save her.

    This I think could be when Steven goes to investigate whatever the key was as well and finds Marc Spector's (aka his) makeshift bunker filled with his equipment. We know this comes after the previous scene because Steven has the scarab that Layla gives him, and we get a conversation between Steven and Marc, and they agree (or maybe disagree) to go follow Harrow to Germany to save Layla and to stop him from whatever his evil plan is.

    This could be where we might see Harrow's power extends further and might cause Marc to not be able to hold onto control of the body and fight. This is just a guess because multiple of these scenes in Germany has Steven/Marc coming in and out of consciousness after something occurring. Including seemingly waking up covered in blood or in the middle of a car chase on Germany mountainside (oh no gun in the trailer). But what I hope is happening is they could take this a very interesting way similar to the Bourne films where Steven all of sudden realizes he CAN fight like Marc instinctively as he learns more and more about himself. This can be mirrored by a scene in this trailer where Steven brags to Layla about being able to do new things. At some point Steven/Marc either wrecks off the mountain side road or is thrown off, I think he could be saved by Khonshu in this moment.

    Throughout this, because this might be told out of order, at some point we will have flashbacks of assumingly Marc Spector being either killed or lost in the desert and be taken in front of some Egyptian council to become Moon Knight. Is this early on or is this some reveal we do not know.

    Back to Germany. I think it is possible he was thrown off the cliff and Layla was thrown as well, maybe they are at gunpoint and Harrow tells him to give him the scarab or he will kill her, so he gives it up. Maybe this is where we see Mr. Knight, Knonshu and Layla with the stars swirling, this could be Khonshu telling them about the horrors Harrow is about to unleash and shows them using the stars, or this could be Khonshu transporting them to Egypt. But we assume Moon Knight and Layla are on their way from this point to Cairo to stop Harrow.

`    We see the pair sneak into the tomb and unearth the mummy only to have Harrow barge in. I think Marc/Moon Knight tries to take over but is shot before the suit is summoned and we see him fall backwards into the water below. We see a quick shot of what seems to be him looking up through that water from its very deep depths, this could maybe be where the flashback sequence happens? Is this a Get Out homage?

    Whatever is in that sarcophagus that Harrow is after he assumingly uses to do the giant purple lightening seen in the trailer. Somehow Moon Knight/Marc/Steven comes out of that because we see him fighting through the streets of Cairo assumingly after that, maybe in that moment is when the personalities have it out with one another and semi-combine/start to actually work together. Bam bang, big fight to end the show.

    But what if there is more? In the trailers we have seen only three or so quick shots of what seems to be Steven in a hospital of some kind. This show has been said to have been influenced a lot by the Jeff Lemire Moon Knight run. In this run Marc wakes up in an asylum and his years of being Moon Knight comes into question, was it all a fantasy his brain made up? SPOILERS for that comic run he is actually being trapped there and none of it is real, everyone in the asylum is someone he knows and Ammut is in charge... read on in theories for more of this.


The Scarab

    This is nothing huge just a fun thing I am guessing will happen. Steven will "save the day" one episode by switching out the real scarab for a fake one from his gift shop.

Everyone are not who they seem

    So, in the Jeff Lemire run of Moon Knight it centers around Moon Knight being in a mental hospital and it is him trying to get out as he realizes the entire hospital is not what it seems. Everyone there is either someone he knows from other personas, or they are servants of Ammut. This could be what is happening in this show. A lot of the basis to this theory revolves around how many episodes were reportedly sent to reviewers, four. Reviewers were sent FOUR out of the only six episodes of the show, that is crazy. To have a reference point to that, they sent only three out of the nine episodes for WandaVision, and what was the fourth episode? The twist and reveal of the outside world. Maybe something similar happens here in Moon Knight, where it could be in reverse. All of this unfolds but then Marc wins and beats Harrow only to escape from the reality in the pyramid(just like the comic run) and wakes up in the hospital and has to break out as we realize this was all some mental prison for our hero.

Moon Knight is ALREADY a member of the Midnight Sons

    This could easily tie into the previous theory about him waking up in the hospital but to separate from that I believe Marc Spector / Moon Knight is already a member of the Midnight Sons, this team of heroes and anti-heroes deal with the more supernatural side of Marvel comics. I think we find out he is already a part of the group and already knows Mahershala Ali's Blade.

This show is setting up Thor Love and Thunder 

    We could come to find out the reason for what Harrow is doing is because he is trying to save the deity/demon he worships by bringing them to Earth because Gorr the god Butcher is making rounds slaughtering deities. I just think that would be an extremely cool setup and it could set up Black Panther 2 as well because Khonshu is related to Bast, the Panther god shown in Black Panther, in the comics.

    Thank you so much for reading please be sure to check back in each week for my weekly recap and theories blog and follow me on twitter (set tweet notifications) @HaroldLStokes !

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