Random Sports : DC v Marvel - Basketball


    Welcome to Random Sports, Marvel v DC edition. We will be going through random sports and talking about what characters would be great at certain sports or athletic events, example Steve Rodgers has to be the worlds greatest discus thrower and disc golf competitor or Hawkeye and golf...

    This week two teams of 5 DC characters and 5 Marvel characters will be facing off on the court playing basketball. Each team will be assigned a coach and the starting 5, with standard rules of basketball in play here we are only adding a few additional rules. The only powers allowed are those within the confines of the body, powers that involved strength, speed, dexterity, intelligence etc.. Any power that is outside these confines are not allowed, examples being flight, telekinesis, any manipulation of matter, competitors or surroundings, etc.. 

    I invite everyone to please comment their vote in the comments as to who would win in a seven game series in this SuperHero National Basketball Amalgamation (SHNBA) matchups. 


Coach - Michael Holt

PG - Bruce Wayne 6'2" 210

SG - Oliver Queen 5'11" 195

SF - Dick Grayson 5'10" 175

PF - Martian Manhunter 6'7" 300

C - Victor Stone 6'6" 385

    Here we have the Men's DC squad captained by Batman himself running point, Bruce works closely with Head Coach Mr. Terrific to come up with game plans and to help execute them to perfection. But Bruce's tendency to go it alone ends up with him overdribbling and ball hogging. Oliver Queen is their two guard who is deadly from deep and is always showing off highlight trick plays with their small forward Dick Grayson. Oliver's constant attempts at trickshots end up in turnovers too often. Nightwing himself paired with Green Arrow make every city they play in Lob City with Dick reliving his high flying days of the Flying Graysons. Nightwing tries to out do Batman and becomes a ball hog himself too often as well.  Martian Manhunter and Victor Stone are their heavies in the paint who are defensive stalwarts making anyone who comes into the paint regret it. J'onn J'onnz tries to overanalyze the game at points as he does not really understand the rules. Victor being the only person on the team with any actual sports background gets frustrated at his teammates lack of knowledge of the game, but the team would be much better if they actually listened to him.


Coach - Charles Xavier

PG - Steve Rodgers 6'2" 220

SG -  T'Challa 6' 200

SF - Clint Barton 6'3" 230

PF - Reed Richards 6'1" 180 (non stretched)

C  - Luke Cage 6'6" 425

    Marvel's Men's Head Coach Charles Xavier thinks of himself as the ultimate players coach meanwhile Captain America and Black Panther seem to be the real leaders of the squad because they know Professor X is okay with trading away any player at anytime to improve the squad. Hawkeye makes Dame and Steph blush with his DEEP threes, as the ultimate D and three player who shoots more than he dribbles and is pinpoint with his hands to come up with steals. Mister Fantastic fancies himself as the leader of the team, as he gets blocks and rebounds from anywhere on the court but his general lack of knowledge of the game can be detrimental to the squad. Luke Cage is the best teammate always breaking up fights  and is the best at taking charges in the league. But forgets to sell it occasionally and picks up too many blocking fouls.

    And now we move on to the match up that I personally think goes to 7


Coach - Amanda Waller

PG - Cassandra Cain 5'5" 110

SG - Laurel Lance 5'4" 124  

SF -  Selina Kyle 5'9" 134

PF - Diana Prince 6'2" 165

C - Big Barda 7' 200

    DC's Women's Head Coach Amanda Waller demands excellence from the team, under penalty of death it seems. But with a team filled with players who do not respect her authority she is constantly left in a screaming match with her players. Cassandra Cain is very similar to Kyrie Irving with her amazing ball skills, but occasionally is shooting the ball way too often than she should. Black Canary seems to have some pent up rage that she lets loose on the court as a lockdown defender, but will get into foul trouble. Selina Kyle is an acrobatic driver in the paint twisting and contorting herself into the right position  to get any shot off, while a recluse of a teammate she seems willing to help others only when it suits to help her stat sheet. Wonder Woman is the natural captain of the team but butts heads with Center Big Barda too often. Diana is their Lebron on the court that can take over the game with her natural insane athletic ability whenever she wants. Big Barda, aside from her desire to be the leader that Diana which causes jealousy is actually a great teammate and is readily willing to do all the dirty work defensively and makes an effort for every loose ball.


Coach - Emma Frost

PG - Kate Bishop 5'5" 120

SG - Kamala Khan 5'4" 115

SF -Monica Rambeau 5'10" 130

PF - Sif 6'2" 425

C - Valkyrie 6'3" 475

    Head Coach Emma Frost easily being the best players coach on the team has her squad lock step working together to get the best out of them and running simple but efficient plays. Kate Bishop is their Steph leading the team from the point but is happy to play off ball and take every chance for an open three she can get. Ms. Marvel is here for the love of the game and does a great job defensively stretching her body to pickpocket ball handlers and make incredible blocks, meanwhile having an unblockable hookshot. Sif and Valkyrie act as if they are the leaders but spend too much time competing with each other so everyone on the team looks to Photon for on court leadership. Sif and Valkyrie's back and forth flirtatious competition treat every game like a dunk contest and thankfully the goals and backboards have been provided by Wakanda for every game.

Thank you for reading be sure to leave a comment below of who you think wins facing off against each other in a seven game series in the men's and women's divisions of the SHNBA Finals. Bonus points for picking the SHNBA Finals MVP's. 

Hit me up twitter @HaroldLStokes to continue the discussion! 

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