WandaVision Spoiler Filled Theory POST Episode 8


Final Spoiler warning for this absolute insane theory that I think just possibly might be true.

    Okay so let's lay out what we saw, Agatha Harkness is investigating Wanda trying to figure out HOW she is doing what she is doing. This line of thinking gives us three possible outcomes in my head, and no Mephisto is not one of them.

1. Agatha wants to use Wanda to bring someone back to life

2. Agatha is working for Chthon and has been trying to find the being that was imbued with his powers to bring him into this universe and believes it to be Wanda but has to investigate to confirm it. 

3. My Theory, but it starts with another purple "villain"


     We were told by Thanos that he used the Infinity Stones to destroy them. BUT we are also told in previous movies that the Infinity Stones are the building blocks of the universe by the Collector in Guardians of the Galaxy. In Endgame we are also told by The Ancient One that removing one stone from its timeline would send the universe into darkness. So shouldn't the universe be crumbling without ALL SIX ? 
    Yes it should, and is. Wanda is not causing the Multiverse of Madness, Thanos did. By destroying all six Infinity Stones Thanos has broken down the very walls of the MCU causing it to be unprotected from crashing into other universes. Quick refresher the six Infinity Stones are: Space, Time, Power, Reality, Soul and Mind.

    What does that have to do with WandaVision?

    We just possibly watched Wanda using her chaos magic CREATE another Mind Stone and Vision. Something that should not be possible, maybe still she is imbued with Chthon's power but that is probably way too much to go into on this show. So what is the purpose of Agatha being there?

    When Wanda created another Mind Stone it was a giant scarlet red flag to everyone in the universe with the capabilities to sense it. Who uses the stones for protecting the universe? Magic users. Agatha just happened to be the first one on the scene to investigate what is happening. Magic users can feel the universe is unraveling and all of a sudden it started to slow down, because the Mind Stone was back. I believe Agatha showed up to investigate Wanda and her powers. This includes killing Sparky after he ate her flowers, which I believe to be the Wundagore Everbloom a flower that after being ingested twice first after hunger second time after a murder will let the eater see the future. Once Agatha sees Wanda recreating the Stones she "has a theory" but does not believe this is actually possible.

    Another giant implication we have not yet seen the repercussions of is Doctor Strange NEEDS the Time Stone back because that was the only thing keeping Dormammu in the Dark Dimension. I believe going forward we will be still dealing with the Infinity Stones but instead of a Thanos level threat we will be dealing with the universe still unraveling because they were destroyed. I believe Doctor Strange will be showing up next week not for some showdown against Agatha but to try to enlist Wanda to help recreate the Stones, this time as their rightful comic name Infinity Gems. So what will be the big fight conclusion for episode nine?

    Wanda, Vision, Agatha and Doctor Strange will have to team up together to stop Vision... Or should I say Ultron. Do you really think S.W.O.R.D. was successful at rebuilding Vision? Of course they were not, this is not our first super hero movie/tv show. This is how we get Ultron back in the MCU, and this time he will be here to stay. Wanda's vision in yellow (below) was purposefully "savior" like because she will become the savior of the universe helping reform the Infinity Gems. The question is will Vision  be able to stay alive outside of the hex without Wanda's power holding him together, this could be the cathartic release Wanda needs to be able to finally say goodbye to Vision. But who is the cameo?

    The supposed / hinted at cameo has not leaked, but my theory will be it is someone from Fox Marvel coming over. We will see the collusion of the multiverse and have it heavily implied that multiple characters have essentially been sucked over into the MCU but we will not see them all yet (Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man 3). So who fits the bill of a "Luke Skywalker level cameo" (that Elizabeth Olsen did not actually say but was asked that question) that Paul Bettany has never worked with that they could easily have "fireworks" together. I feel like we have a very obvious answer that we know for a fact will be in MCU movies coming up but have had no confirmations as to when or how, a certain Merc with a mouth...

    I believe Ryan Reynolds Deadpool will show up LATE in next weeks WandaVision finale have a quick conversation with the cast and then immediately run off as Strange tries to send him back to his universe.

    All of this is could be used just like Hickman's New Avengers run to set up Secret Wars giant event showing universes collapsing and fighting against each other

    Let me know your thoughts and follow me on twitter! Am I right? Am I way off my rocker? 
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Also to show I know what I am talking about here is my WandaVision preview from back in November

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