HLS Top Movies of 2020! Part 1 (92-81)

Welcome back to HLS Movie takes, 2020 was a very hectic year for everyone and movies are one of the greatest escapes from life. Sadly though movie theaters were not able to stay open most of last year so we had to stay safe inside and watch movies from home. 2020 was the year without giant blockbusters but it was still a year of great movies! Sadly this first list are not those great movies. Here is the worst of the worst of 2020 in film (of the 92 movies are saw this year)

Now with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale out there, the IMDB user rating score:
1-5        = Horrible waste of time
5.1-6.4  = Risky might be good might be garbage
6.5-7.4  = Good solid movie
7.5+      = Movie that is generally very well liked by everyone

Now this is not a gold standard but is a good starting point, on to the movies.

92. Downhill - IMDB Score: 4.8

This movie and what was presented to be this movie in the trailers are entirely different things. Every single "funny" moment shown in the trailer plays out horrendously within the context of the movie. This movie is miscast, sold as a comedy and has zero laughs, and worst of all is just another horrible American remake of an actually good movie, Force Majeure (2014), go watch it instead of even thinking about watching this mess. Julia Louis-Dreyfus' acting performance is the only bright spot in this entire movie, but is still a miscast as they obviously thought these two working together would be comedy gold, too bad this film isn't a comedy.

91. The Wrong Missy (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 5.7

Okay, Downhill being my lowest slot might have been a spite slot because The Wrong Missy genuinely is one of the worst movies I have ever watched. It is one of the most painfully cringey things I have ever watched but as long as people still flock to watch Happy Madison films on Netflix, Netflix will be happy to keep pumping out this garbage.

90. Artemis Fowl (Disney+) - IMDB Score: 4.2

Oh man this movie, I am long out of the age range that this movie was made for but I was prime reading age for when the books originally came out in the early 2000's and loved them as a child. This movie did not bring me that same joy. It was horrible, and I really do not understand what made Collin Farrell and Dame Judy Dench think this was okay to be associated with. I don't know maybe kids enjoyed it? Get them copies of the books instead.

89. Desperados (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 5.1

Working my way through this list makes me mad at how bad some of these movies are. This movie was OBVIOUSLY casted by Netflix after the resurgence of New Girl on the streaming service and thought it would be amazing for these two actors who have AMAZING chemistry in New Girl to just be cast in a movie and people will watch because they love seeing them interact right? Well it would help to bring with them any of the character traits that made either of them likeable, we know New Girl has improve in it let these two riff off each other not whatever horrible scripted mess this was. I love Nasim Pedrad and Lamorne Morris, I really hope we get to see them together in a competent movie sometime soon.

88. New Mutants - IMDB Score: 5.3

I am banging my head against the wall here. This bottom five was rough. After going through production hell for years on end this movie was finally released very quietly during the middle of the pandemic and it made absolutely zero noise aside from how forgettable it was. This movie was just soap opera bad dialogue at certain points with a script that isn't coherent and with acting so bad from actors we know to be good to great so you can only blame the writer director Josh Boone. gee I wonder why Fox never wanted to release this movie.

87. Dolittle - IMDB Score: 5.6

Okay here me out, this movie is NOT good and so I ranked it this low, but it could have been good. I am not mad at this movie taking giant swings, the only thing I am mad at is Robert Downey JR. continuing doing his weird half grunt half British accent. I one million percent get him wanting to separate himself from the Tony Stark role and not wanting to be type cast into that style of character but this movie would have been vastly improved by it.

86. Eurovision: Fire Saga (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 6.5

Initially I had this movie even lower but I changed my mind raised it from 91 to 86. I was so mad at this movie because of the potential it had. This movie could have very easily been a giant hit. All they would have had to do is replace Will Ferrell with Hugh Jackman and this movie is a HIT. Let Hugh do a ridiculous accent and keep the movie light hearted and fun instead of shoving Will Ferrell's now horrible sense of humor down our throats. This movie is just a disappointment because everyone else did such a great job but Will Ferrell weighs this one down so much.

85. Gretel & Hansel - IMDB Score: 5.4

I have nothing to back this up but I swear this movie was originally just called "Gretel" and that would have made so much more sense for the story within it. It is a retailing of the classic story without the breadcrumbs but this time revealing (SPOILERS) Gretel has whatever witch knack gene and that is a very interesting twist to the story that by the end of the movie you go "well this movie wasn't great but I'd be interested in seeing part 2".

84. Capone - IMDB Score: 4.7

Listen I am a sucker for Tom Hardy he is my favorite actor working today, but this movie was just unnecessary. Nothing happens, and I guess it could have been an interesting character study but not like this and I honestly don't know what I expected coming from the same person responsible for Fan4stic.

83. The Prom (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 6.0

This movie is a very pretty piece of garbage. This is the ultimate not in on the joke movie, I do not know how this was ever released. Mary Sollosi of Entertainment Weekly summed it up perfectly "..ultimately the film has way too much in common with the egomaniacs at its center: It poses for an undeniably good cause, but its greater purpose is to collect the credit for having done it": Beautifully said Mary could not have said it better myself.

82. The Willoughbys (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 6.4

Man.. I had high hopes going into this one. I was told by someone that this was their favorite animated movie of the year.. and well let's just say I no longer trust his movie recommendations. This movie is about a family who all has the same weird unique hair and once you let your mind dig even slightly beyond the surface of that showing family portraits this movie becomes.. icky.

81. The Lovebirds (Netflix) - IMDB Score: 6.1

Okay ending on a good note, this is where the list changes from dreadful movies to those that I enjoyed! The Lovebirds is solid funny rom com that just was not anything special to break through making it great but it was still worth watching. So not the highest praise, just not something you'd regret choosing on Netflix. Kumail Nanjiani and Issa Rae are always treats to watch so for a simple night in movie this is great.

Thank you for reading part 1 of my Top Movies of 2020! Part two will be out shortly, please like follow and share!

Edit: Part 2 is up !

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