In Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace, young Anakin is found by Qui-Gon Jinn and is brought back to Jedi temple on Coruscant to be tested and trained. It is found out that young Anakin has a connection to the force that rivals Jedi Master Yoda. Qui-Gon seems immediately jump to the idea that he must be the Chosen One, the foretold force user that would bring balance to the force and defeat the darkside.. Well we know how well that goes.
But what exactly is the prophecy? What does bring balance to the force mean? We never really get a true answer to these questions. The main thought process I feel like a lot of people should agree on is that this prophecy ultimately was not in favor of the Jedi. The Jedi had grown massively powerful and corrupt more focused on serving the Republic than the Force.
The thought process is maybe Anakin DID bring balance to the Force by destroying and hunting down the Jedi, bringing a balance between light and dark side force users. Think about where Revenge of the Sith ends having Yoda and Obi-Wan v the Emperor and Darth Vader as the only primary Jedi and Sith surviving. A Balance of power between Jedi and Sith.
But does that really work when you think about it? We know there are other light and darkside force users still alive at this point. Maybe the Prophecy doesn't end there? Maybe the Prophecy is not complete until Darth Vader kills the Emperor. That still doesn't explain the Emperor's return and fight against Rey and Ben Solo, unless we are willing to accept they BOTH could be the chosen one(s) and she is completing the prophecy of defeating Palpatine. But even that doesn't really fit.
Maybe we misunderstood what the prophecy meant. Even Yoda himself said maybe the prophecy was possibly misread.
Follow me here, let's assume Qui-Gon was wrong about Anakin.
Anakin was always thought of as an "immaculate conception" having no father, but in a (now debated if cannon) Darth Vader comic it is revealed that Emperor Palpatine manipulated the forced causing Anakin being born. Just for sake of my argument let us accept that as cannon and what happened.
Leia and Luke were born and separated but Leia grew up in a rich and powerful family as a literal princess. She has always been a badass who is smart and rules tough but fair as she leads the new republic past the events of Episode 6 as General Organa. Leia was even, in George Lucas's supposed original plan, supposed to be the real chosen one in his idea for a sequel trilogy, but sadly those movies never happened.
Ben Solo as Kylo Ren seems to be Palpatine's effort to re-spark what he had as a Sith with Darth Vader as his apprentice but never really commits to him (which seems to be his downfall with all four apprentices we see him have, not trusting them). But Ben Solo is more like his great uncle that he would always rather be the one in charge and wants to rule with someone he loves. But until the very end Kylo still believes in the darkside of the force and is there to help Rey defeat Palpatine.
In Empire Strikes Back both Yoda and Obi-Wan warn Luke against attachments and that there is no more light in Darth Vader. Both of these are absolutes and purely Jedi mentalities that both end up being wrong. Luke respects and thinks so highly of them both so this had to play on his psyche.
In the Last Jedi we find that Luke has fallen away from the ways of the Jedi and has entirely cutting himself off from the Force. I believe his behavior comes from his sorrow at his failure to restart the Jedi Order, but then his realization that their absolutism is just as wrong as the Sith's. This realization does not stop him from eventually helping his friends and come back and teach Rey a lesson as a Force ghost, but he still knows that the Jedi were not correct in their path either. His influence on Rey has her by the end of Rise of Skywalker starting her own journey not as a Jedi or a Sith.

Clone Wars fans will remember a very pivotal but controversial episodes in the "Mortis Arc" that showed Anakin Obi-Wan and Ahsoka being sucked into this Force world where lived The Daughter, The Son, and the Father. The trio were the living representations of the Lightside, Darkside, and the balance between them. After having conflict between the trio Anakin is offered to take the fathers position and stay there to bring balance to the force, he of course turns them down. Fighting ensues between the brother and sister and SPOILERS the sister is "killed" by the brother.
The way that entire story is sort of just dropped and not returned to really is ominous, maybe it was just a fever dream episode Dave Filoni had one night on shrooms at Skywalker Ranch. Or maybe they represent the Whills we have heard George Lucas mention so much previously and that was the story the came up with together. Remember George and Dave are very close and Dave Filoni w has such high regards for George Lucas that he would never just throw out a random storyline that would contradict all of George's vision for Star Wars. Maybe "the chosen one" is just a pure of heart force user balanced in both light and dark who takes up the mantle of the Father until their life force gives out.
So was Anakin really the chosen one? Or Luke? Or even Rey? None of them are the real chosen one for one reason only, bringing balance to the force does not mean killing off the Sith. Bringing balance to the force is ending the conflict between them. So who then?
We know that Baby Yoda, Grogu, was born in 41BBY, the exact same year as Anakin Skywalker which is not a coincidence. What if by the will of the Force itself Grogu was conceived and born at the same time as Anakin because the Force was upset at Palpatine's abuse of the Force, so Grogu was born to correct this mishap and bring balance. We know Grogu was at the Jedi temple during the Clone Wars and during the time of Revenge of the Sith so let's expand upon that knowledge. We know Baby yoda was trained by many masters so one has to assume Yoda was one of those teachers after he is explicitly shown teaching very young Padawans in the prequel trilogy.
So let's assume he knew about him. What if Yoda knowing about Grogu is the reason why he was against training Anakin? What if Yoda knew for a fact or even just believed that Grogu was the real chosen one? But because his species takes so long to age and develop he had to be kept secret and hidden in the Jedi temple on Coruscant.
This would be Yoda's ultimate plan and really show off some foresight and wisdom by our favorite 900 year old.
Piecing this theory together. What if Grogu is the real chosen one and is one day going to be transported to the same Force World Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka went to long ago. Maybe Ahsoka and Mando are with him, and this time Ahsoka is wise enough to realize who little Gru really is and has to talk Mando into accepting his fate. Grogu takes the place of the father and holds back the Daughter and Son bringing balance to the force.