Wonder Woman 1984 Plot Theory

This theory is based off of all promotional trailers and clips, and interviews including today’s DCFandome

SPOILERS if I am correct (I think I am)

The film opens with Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Barbara Minerva (aka Cheetah played by Kristen Wiig) working together in the 1980s in a museum, maybe the Smithsoneum in Washington D.C., and they are close friends who work and hangout together. Barbara is a more shy person who only really opens herself up to Diana and really wants to come out of her shell but is too nervous and shy. 

We get flashbacks of Diana on Themyscira, home of the Amazons, showing her competing multiple times in the Amazonian Games competing against her amazonian sisters.

In the background of the story we become aware of the Cold War going on, meanwhile a new political candidate comes onto the scene to challenge Ronald Reagan for the US Presidency. Maxwell Lord is this charismatic character, who is a billionaire who is using his money and power for politics gain. He gives a promise to the people to make their deepest desires come true if they come down to his campaign event where he is meeting people.

Barbara wanting to get out of Diana’s shadow and break out of her own nervous shell goes down to meet him and tells him she is tired of being the meek person that she is that she would rather be a “predator” like her friend Diana. As genie rules apply, be careful what you wish for.  Barbara wakes up the next morning a confident woman going from “Clark Kent to Superman” standing taller and more powerful in her presence. She comes into work and Wonder Woman sees what has transpired and is concerned but is transfixed by the idea that maybe she can bring back Steve Trevor.

Diana meets Maxwell Lord (played by Pedro Pascal) and tells him of her desire to bring back Steve Trevor, and he tells her it will be done. She wakes up the next morning to find Steve Trevor (player by Chris Pine)  alive and well in her apartment and they have an emotional reconciliation. She is excited to show Steve around and show him what she has missed. Diana is blinded by happiness that he is returned and does not recognize the conflict growing around her as the Cold War heats up, as the Soviets announce they will not be participating in the 1984 Olympic Games, and Max Lord gains in the polls, possibly winning the presidential election.

We get a cute and fun montage of them spending time together, she dresses him and takes him to the mall but while they are there the mall comes under attack (maybe it is the Soviets invading the United States). Diana quickly does a spin change (nod to Linda Carters Wonder Woman) Wonder Woman quickly beats off the attacks and they go outside to see DC under attack.

At this time it is revealed that Max Lord has been watching Diana and realizes that she is Wonder Woman, something is further off about him but we are not sure yet as to what it is. He uses his power to mind control Barbara and forces her to attack Wonder Woman. Barbara loses to Diana and slinks off back to Max Lord. Diana and Steve go on the run trying to save the world as it begins to descend into another World War. They steal a plane to escape and Steve gets to pilot a “modern” fighter jet and we get a fun action sequence of them escaping. During their escape they travel to the Middle East and run into conflicts during their search to find Themyscira.

Now for the big reveal

Maxwell Lord has become President of the United States and is revealed to the audience to secretly be Deimos son of Ares. His goal is to cause another World War to bring back his father Ares. He has been manipulating Diana’s mind and she thinks she must fight this war and she and Steve find their way back to Themyscira for Diana to don the great Amazonian armor of war, this armor will be hinted at during the Amazonian Games. They arrive and her mother tries to talk her out of using the armor to fight, trying to bring her to her senses.

Diana insists she take it and returns to Washington D.C. with it on a mission with Steve to fight and kill Maxwell and Cheetah. Be careful what you wish for. On arriving at the White House she and Trevor break in and fight off secret service agents and run into Barbara, they come to blows again until Barbara under control of Deimos transforms fully into Cheetah and they continue their devastating fight. It finally comes to the moment where she is about to kill Cheetah but she has flashbacks of what her mother told her and decides to spare her (the big removal of the wings moment in the trailer).

Deimos reveals himself to Wonder Woman and tries to take over her mind but she fights him off and he tells her he must obey her or he will remove her “deepest desire” and kill off Steve Trevor. So she is left with that decision of stopping Deimos or living her life with Steve Trevor.

Alright lads and ladies let me know your thoughts on the plot theory!

Hit me up on twitter @HaroldLStokes with your thoughts and your own theories!

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