HLS Movie Awards Top 116 Movies of 2021 Part 7! Best Picture Nominees! The Top 10

     Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we have hit the finale of the 2021 HLS Movie Awards and are discussing the Best Picture Nominees! These ten films all were released to the mass public in 2021 as required by our rules and are all outstanding, award worthy movies. Sadly, there can only be one HLS Movie Awards Best Picture winner but today let us focus on the magnificent work of all ten films. We might have loved movies you hated, or hated ones you loved, let us know in the comments or on Twitter @HLSEntrtainment or my personal Twitter @HaroldLStokes

    Now like always with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale out there, the IMDB user rating score. Here is a simple breakdown of what their 0.0-10 grading scale means:

0.1-5.0  = Horrible waste of time
5.1-6.4  = Risky might be good might be garbage
6.5-7.4  = Good solid movie
7.5+      = Movie that is widely adored / enjoyed

Now this is not a gold standard but is a good starting point, on to the movies. On to the movies! 

The nominees will be in alphabetical order this is not a ranking



IMDb Score: 7.3

    Belfast is such a heartwarming film semi based on director Kenneth Branagh's childhood in Belfast during The Troubles. This movie is from the viewpoint of Buddy played by Jude Hill and he and the rest of this cast were simply incredible. The way this movie plays with color in this black and white film is subtle yet amazing. 

Child of Death Adults

CODA (AppleTV)

IMDb Score: 8.0

    This is a movie that I wish I watched sooner. It was on my list for awhile and I had heard great things but when I finally got around to watching it on AppleTV I was blown away by this cast and this story. So so much funnier and heart warming than I was ever expecting.


Dune (HBOMax)

IMDb Score: 8.1

    The Dune book series has been Hollywood's white whale for awhile, has been called the unadaptable series but Denis Villeneuve absolutely nailed this part one. So much of science fiction comes from this story and it is amazing to see it given proper care on screen. This cast is incredible top to bottom and Hans Zimmer brings it once again with one of his best scores.

Judas and the Black Messiah

Judas and the Black Messiah (HBOMax)

IMDb Score: 7.4

    This movie has three of the best performances of the year by far between Kaluuya, Stanfield and Plemons. This is about the true story how the FBI had William O'Neal infiltrate the Illinois Black Panther Party to try to take down their leader Fred Hampton. Thrills, heartbreak, disgust all course through this film.

King Richard Will Smith is winning Best Actor Oscar

King Richard (HBOMax)

IMDb Score: 7.5

    The story about the rise of two of, if not the, best tennis players of all time Venus and Serena Willaims and how their parents fought for their sucess through the viewpoint of their loving eccentric father Richard Willaims. The thing that this movie leaves you with the most is hope and inspiration and is just a must watch movie.

Licorice Pizza

Licorice Pizza

IMDb Score: 7.4

    I was not expecting to love this movie as much as I did, Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman were just so real and endearing and aggravating I loved it. This film is the best version of what a "hangout movie" can possibly be in my mind. Mixing in old film aesthetics with modern makes this film just wonderful to just look at.

Minari Steven Yeun


IMDb Score: 7.5

    This film is about the American Dream as a Korean family moves to Arkansas in the 1980's and starting a farm. This movie can go toe to toe with any 2021 film with just incredible acting top to bottom throughout the cast. 

The Power of the Dog streaming on Netflix

The Power of the Dog (Netflix)

IMDb Score: 6.9

    This movie is stunningly beautiful as it really lets the camera soak in the Montana (New Zealand) plains and hills. This cast has some outstanding performances from all four of our main players. Score is incredible and I have found myself rewatching it just to let the visuals and music play out.

Spencer Kristen Stewart


IMDb Score: 6.7

    Man oh man did Kristen Stewart bring it for this role in front of the screen and Pablo Larrain did so too from behind it directing this wonderful film. This movie follows Princess Diana during the British Royal family holiday and goes into her struggles with mental health and her family around her.

Spider-Man Spiderman No Way Home Tom Holland Benedict Cumberbatch Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield Tom Hardy Zendaya Jamie Foxx Willem Dafoe Alfred Molina Benedict Wong Marisa Tomei

Spider-Man: No Way Home

IMDb Score: 8.6

    Spider-Man: No Way Home did an excellent job of interweaving so much from the previous iterations of the web slinger while still telling a very compelling story about loss and forgiveness. I do find it hilarious now to look back on seeing all times Andrew Garfield denied Tobey Maguire and himself were in this movie. I really want to shout out how amazing Michael Giacchino's incredible score for this film it is just outstanding. 

Thank you so much for reading! Please be sure to share on social media and follow me on Twitter @HaroldLStokes !

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