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HLS Movie Awards 2021: Best Stunt Work Nominees!
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Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be discussing our first HLS Movie Awards category, Best Stunt Work! Now what is stunt work? This includes everything from fight choreography, car chases, explosions and other dangerous acts as well as everything in between. I will say up front that I have a very big bias towards excellent fight choreography, but all sorts of stunts are represented here not just hand to hand fighting.
This list of nominees is not in any sort of rank order, it is in alphabetical order (hopefully). I will not lend bias to each clip so I will be very brief with each as I want the movie and the stunts to speak for themselves. Before we get to the nominees be sure to follow me on Twitter @HaroldLStokes and let me know what your favorite stunt performances of the year were! If you get nothing else from this award nominee blog, just enjoy the very cool and excellently performed work on display by these nominees.
Black Widow
Black Widow had some incredible stunt work, I also highly recommend watching the "Assembled" episode on this film on Disney+ as they talk more about the stunt work there.
No Time to Die
Just sit back and let these few excellently done scenes play out for you.
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
Here is a cut up clip of the bus fight sequence from the film that was incredible. Some parts of this video are out of order I imagine avoiding copyright issues.
Here is also a great look at the stunts with actual people who worked on the film!
Snake Eyes
This movie is so aggravating because the stunt work is incredible but the photography in so much of the movie makes it impossible to enjoy.
Spider-Man: No Way Home
This one was a difficult one to find a video for because the movie has not yet been released out of theaters so most behind the scenes stuff and clips showing off stunts are not available yet, but this is actually an incredible video showing off certain stunts they did day to day.
Thank you so much for reading! Please be sure to like and share this on social media! Next week we have part 3 of the top 116 movies of 2021 as well as the nominees for the best scores of 2021!
Welcome back for Part 2 of my Top Movies of 2020 list! If you missed Part 1 here is a link HLS Top Movies of 2020 Part 1 . In this blog I will be going through 80-51, this is the section that ranges from controversial to sometimes just blah movies that should have been better. Now with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale out there, the IMDB user rating score: 1-5 = Horrible waste of time 5.1-6.4 = Risky might be good might be garbage 6.5-7.4 = Good solid movie 7.5+ = Movie that is generally very well liked by everyone Now this is not a gold standard but is a good starting point, on to the movies. On to the movies! 80. The One and Only Ivan (Disney+) - IMDb Score: 6.7 This is just a simple heartfelt Disney movie that is essentially just a tv movie given a higher budget so it could afford bigger actors like Bryan Cranston, Sam Rockwell, Ange...
Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be doing two things, discuss the nominees for the third annual HLS Movie Awards Streaming Award and discuss the schedule for the HLS Movie Awards. The Streaming Award honors the streaming service that had the best year putting out films, and schedule will be breaking down when to expect every blog of the Top 115 Movies of 2021 and the award nominations! Last year was the first time we decided to add the Streaming Award because 2020 was a year that had most film fans locked away at home and had movie theaters closed. Where did this leave the piles of movies set to come out? Well, the biggest were shifted around on the movie release schedule, meanwhile the smaller non blockbuster films were either shelved, put on demand for rent, or their rights were bought up by streaming services. 2020 put us in a unique situation of having more access to higher quality films easier than normal years, and this has...
Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are doing a big deep dive previewing the final MCU Phase 4 film, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Here on HLS Entertainment, we have been breaking down and predicting every single Marvel Studios (and a few DC) properties over the past few years and we have had a very strong track record at predicting them. I say that to say, spoilers. Treat this entire blog as spoilers for this movie and all of Marvel Studios properties in general. Still here? Perfect. First off please be sure to follow me on Twitter @HaroldLStokes for all comic book movie goodness, I'd love to chat with you there about movies. So why should you care what I have to say? Why should you listen to my predictions? Well I always try to lay out my "credentials" at the top and this list keeps growing and growing. Here is my preview for every single MCU Phase 4 property (aside from Ms. Marvel)* and you can read or skim through a fe...