HLS Movie Awards Nominees: Best Cinematography and Visuals


    Welcome back to HLS Entertainments Movie Awards Nominees! This weeks nominations come from the Visuals and Cinematography category. This category is filled with movies with beautiful shots and beautiful imagery, but is also filled with movies with great visual effects, so the shots may they be in camera, practical or cgi they all count and all are beautiful!

    As a reminder as well this category only counts for movies that were released IN 2020, so movies that came out after new years eve do not count, the beautiful movies like Nomadland will not count. As well as a reminder that this in not in a ranking order it is in alphabetical order. Please hit that subscribe button at the top to sign up for email alerts so you do not miss a blog like last weeks Best Actress nominations.


    This movie was a lost gem of 2020. Archive initially received poor reviews and it killed the movie, but as time has moved along more people are slowly finding this sci-fi flick and are enjoying it. If nothing else this movie is just beautiful to look at and is a throwback to the sci-fi movies we used to get.

Another Round

    Another round of a applause for this incredible film. Not only is the story and acting wonderful, the movie itself is beautiful. I beg you, if you have not watched this movie do it today. The final scene of cathartic release alone is worth nomination on this list.

Guns Akimbo

    Guns Akimbo was another hidden gem of 2020. Do NOT go into this movie expecting some nuanced film, this is pure action comedy with some fun cool imagery. This is pure popcorn. Popcorn is delicious.


    David Fincher is a brilliant filmmaker we all should know this at this point, Mank is no exception. Now so many shots are near copies of Citizen Kane, which is the point. A giant oversimplification Mank, if you have not seen it, is based on the story of Herman Mankiewicz (Gary Oldman's character) as he writes Citizen Kane for Orsen Welles. Therefore all the imagery copying Citizen Kane is obviously on purpose and is done beautifully.

News of the World

    News of the World is a simple story of a man returning a lost orphan child to their rightful home in the old west, which is a great set up for opportunities for beautiful imagery and shots. And Paul Greengrass nailed it. Old western feel with modern filming is a beautiful mixture. Bring back the western genre.


    Simple life made into art. Swallow's shots are mainly simple techniques but the framing and imagery used is great. This movie needs more viewership as the story, lead actress and cinematography are all incredible. 


    Christopher Nolan is big budget high art cinema. His movies are some of the best parts of both worlds. His movies make enough money that he gets to play around with big budgets which can lend a hand to his artistic side getting to play with bigger actors, bigger explosions, and more expensive camera work. His work is not pure art or pure popcorn, it is that sweet mixture of both. That does not make it errorless, people on the art side think he is too actiony and has poor sound mixing  and people on the popcorn side think his movies can be too confusing and hard to follow. You either fall in line loving his tastes or you don't. But everyone can appreciate his greatness.

The Vast of Night

    Another hidden gem, The Vast of Night is an Amazon Original movie that is a throwback to classic alien first contact movies we used to get but with a flair of modern filmmaking. The modern camera and quick wit dialogue peps this movie up from the boring storyboard of this movie. This movie should have been boring but the excellent camerawork and writing are just fun to watch.

    Thank you for reading! Please share with your friends and hit that subscribe button to sign up for email updates for every time a blog is posted! Next up on the list of nominees for the HLS Movie Awards is the 2020 special, the Streaming Award. As a reminder the HLS Movie Awards takes place on April 16th! 

Follow me on Twitter @HaroldLStokes 

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