HLS Top Movie of 2020 Part 2! 80-51

Welcome back for Part 2 of my Top Movies of 2020 list! If you missed Part 1 here is a link HLS Top Movies of 2020 Part 1 . In this blog I will be going through 80-51, this is the section that ranges from controversial to sometimes just blah movies that should have been better. Now with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale out there, the IMDB user rating score: 1-5 = Horrible waste of time 5.1-6.4 = Risky might be good might be garbage 6.5-7.4 = Good solid movie 7.5+ = Movie that is generally very well liked by everyone Now this is not a gold standard but is a good starting point, on to the movies. On to the movies! 80. The One and Only Ivan (Disney+) - IMDb Score: 6.7 This is just a simple heartfelt Disney movie that is essentially just a tv movie given a higher budget so it could afford bigger actors like Bryan Cranston, Sam Rockwell, Ange...