The MCU Ranked : Post Black Widow


    Welcome back to HLS Entertainment, today we are going to discuss the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Specifically as you know, ranking it. This ranking is going to include all 24 feature length films, Iron Man  through Black Widow, and the three Disney+ MCU shows. Speaking of Disney+ shows, if you have not watched them here is a preview for each, WandaVision The Falcon and the Winter SoldierLoki. The Disney+ shows ARE required viewership for the MCU you WILL be missing stuff and confused in the future if you skip them. All three thus far are incredible so you will not regret watching. Treat this list as spoilers so if you have not seen the shows yet, just share this with friends and come back when you have watched! Hit me up on Twitter @HaroldLStokes if you want to discuss my ranking or share yours!

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been around since Marvel Studios (partnered with Paramount Studios) dropped Iron Man on May 2nd 2008. Marvel themselves put the movie in production after acquiring the Iron Man rights in 2006. To know the MCU you need to know that little note, Marvel did not (and still does not) own the full film rights to all of their characters. In the 1990's Marvel Comics faced bankruptcy and decided to sell the film rights of their characters to keep them afloat, most famously the X-Men to Fox and Spider-Man to Sony. Over the years they tried to get them back all and first financed their own movie with Iron Man and it changed the film world forever. The story does not end there of course because a couple years later in 2009 Disney came knocking and bought all of Marvel for four billion dollars. Disney bought the distribution rights for Avengers and Iron Man 3 from Paramount so the very first full Disney movie was the second Thor movie. And the rest is history.

    I am not going to do a personal grade for each movie/show, what I will do is put the IMDb score like I do for all my film rankings and a quick section discussing each movie. This grade out of ten is a user rating. Now think about it like this, the only people who are going to actually spend the time to go rate a movie are generally those who have actually seen the movie. So it is a reasonable thing to trust. The IMDb scoring system is not perfect but it is easily the most consistent and best judge for if a movie is worth watching.  Here is a simple breakdown of what their 0.0-10 grading scale means:

0.1-5.0  = Horrible waste of time
5.1-6.4  = Risky might be good might be garbage
6.5-7.4  = Good solid movie
7.5+      = Movie that is widely adored by everyone

Now this is not a gold standard but is a good starting point. Reminder SPOILERS. On to the movies!


27. The Incredible Hulk (2008) - IMDb Score: 6.6
    The second MCU movie ever released and the only one staring Edward Norton's Bruce Banner. The character was recasted for their second MCU appearance when Mark Ruffalo took over the role in 2012's Avengers. This recasting does not negate this movie, it still counts it is cannon. It actually first introduced us the someone very important to the MCU General Ross, as he was the antagonist hunting down Bruce. This movie is where we the seeds are planted for his desire to replicate the super soilder serum used on Steve Rodgers. If nothing else, watch this movie for Ross because he and his motives are about to be very important once again in the MCU.

26. Thor the Dark World (2013) - IMDb Score: 6.8

    It seems this movie becomes more and more important as the MCU properties come out. Please rewatch it, especially before Thor Love and Thunder comes out with Natalie Portman set to return finally. This movie is a classic example of what some call the "Marvel villain problem". This can be boiled down to having a forgettable villain that has no staying power. The movie itself is fine, and important story points are very relevant for the MCU as a whole. 

25. Thor (2011) - IMDb Score: 7.0

    Back when Thor was treated as Shakespeare.  This is definitely not a perfect film and can seem clunky at times but remember this is when the MCU is still taking it's first steps. There definitely is some beauty to this movie, setting up fan favorite characters and storylines. The gold shining Asgard will always hold some movie magic to me. It is so funny how everyone loved everything about Thor except his movies until Thor 3. 

24. Iron Man 2 (2010) - IMDb Score: 7.0

    Oh the most over hated MCU movie to date. Please rewatch this movie and try to tell me Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer is not a delight. He needs to come back for Armor Wars. This movie gave us Emmy nominated Don Cheadle as the recasted Rhodey and they dealt with that so beautifully "I'm here, just deal with it". This movie walked so Winter Soldier could run, setting up call back characters that turned out to be Hydra. This is Tony Stark at his most Starkness, this is the darkness before his true rise.

23. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) - IMDb Score: 6.9

    The kind of sort of first avenger, if  we forget Thor is over a thousand years old and the term Avengers was named after Captain Marvel's call sign in the Air Force. This movie is loved by many, myself included, but it would have been SIGNIFICANTLY higher if we actually got scenes of them taking out Nazi / Hydra bases instead of a quick cut scene.

22. Ant-Man (2015) - IMDb Score: 7.3

    This movie had no business working. One of the main promotional material for this movie was just Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas saying "ANTS" over and over (I did not make that up). This movie has so much charm and is so funny, but is lowered by the typical "villain problem" with a forgettable villain who is a mirror of the hero (aka the majority of comic storytelling). Meanwhile this movie has the most memorable random side character ever in Luis. Fans are still begging to get him to do a promo video recapping the Infinity Saga.

21. Captain Marvel (2019) - IMDb Score: 6.8

    Oh the other most over hated MCU movie. This movie is going to be SO vital to the MCU going forward, so much happened and so much was set up. Here is a few reason why, Monica Rambeau aka Photon in WandaVision, Skrulls, Talos, Secret Invasion, Kree Skrull War, and so much more.

20. Iron Man 3 (2013) - IMDb Score: 7.1

    Iron Man 3 is a Christmas movie. There I said it. Like all good Christmas movies, like Die Hard, it was released in the summer. This movie deals with Tony's grief, anxiety, PTSD all stemming from the Battle of New York and just being a hero in general. This movie is the epitome of why Tony Stark is the best comic book character on screen, he is human. He goes through all the real emotions that someone in his shoes would actually go through. I adore this movie.

19. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) - IMDb Score: 7.0

    Ant-Man and the Wasp was an excellent follow up that exceeded expectations set by the first movie. A big point in the first movie was that Hope OBVIOUSLY should have been the one in the suit not Scott, so in this second movie she finally shines through as an excellent hero and I can not wait to see more of her. This is not a negative for the first movie, the entire point was reconciliation of hope and her father. He did not want to risk her life he would rather him lose his company and his technology instead of even thinking about putting her in danger. Meanwhile this movie sees Hope set up as an equal to her father and he trusts and respects her and her talents, and Scott seems to be just along for the ride.

18. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) - IMDb Score: 7.4

    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the way too long title of a great show. This was supposed to kick off phase four in the MCU for Disney+ back in August of 2020 after Black Widow but of course covid happened. Not only did it effect the release schedule but it reshaped this show. This show obviously had a virus/pandemic sub plot that they (rightfully) cut do to it hitting to close to home. I will forever wonder though how good this show could have been if it was not trimmed.

17. Black Widow (2021) - IMDb Score: 6.9

    Black Widow was the movie that came a decade too late, but arrived in style. Introducing many soon to be fan favorite characters and giving Scarlett Johansson the solo movie she deserved for Black Widow. This movie coming out so late hurts in the moment, but give it another 5-10 years this movie will be skyrocketing up peoples lists from their initial assessment. VERY solid action movie that I think has a genuine argument to be the funniest movie in the entire MCU. 

16. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) - IMDb Score: 7.5

    Spider-Man is just an amazing super hero and I am so happy we are getting good movies finally. We went through a stretch of three straight BAD Spider-Man movies from Sony, and now Tom Holland and the Marvel Studios have delivered two straight really good movies. The third movie in this trilogy releasing December 2021, No Way Home, seems to be the biggest most risky Spider-Man movie of all time and I cannot wait for it, I hope it is incredible. One of my absolute favorite things about this movie is how they twisted a common MCU trope into something that no one caught on their first run through. There has been a running "gag/joke" that when a hero goes on the run they where sunglasses and a baseball hat, if you rewatch Far From Home that is exactly what Mysterio and his team are doing to Peter when they arrive in Europe. Multiple members of his team including Jake Gyllenhaal himself are ON SCREEN multiple times before the first attack in Venice.

15. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - IMDb Score: 7.3

    Okay I am going to use this section for a specific question. Why do people think setting up future properties and stories is a bad thing in your movie? That is the common complaint about this movie and a lot of this era of Marvel films. It is completely asinine that this movie ever happened, it is outstanding. We literally introduced three new heroes, had Hydra in it, had Ultron in it, teased Civil War, Ragnarok, Infinity War, Endgame, Black Widow, WandaVision, and more, also we started the Hulk's character arc that takes place between this and Endgame since he could not have a solo movie. ALL in this movie. ALL while telling a cohesive story. That is crazy and we should applaud this movie more, rewatch it I swear you like it more than you think.

    OH also this movie had a DIRECT tie in set up if you were watching Agents of Shield week to week, RIP to one of my favorite shows and one of the best comic tv shows of all time.

14. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)- IMDb Score: 7.6

    Man how do you follow up the biggest surprise hit in comic book movie history? By making it even more about family. After the first movie was about finding your family, this movie addresses the history of family in nearly each characters life (Rocket is the lone left out I believe but that story is seemingly the plot of GotG vol 3). This film is in a constant battle with volume one to have the best MCU soundtrack, meanwhile having some of the most heart wrenching and warming moments in the entire MCU.

13. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) - IMDb Score: 7.4

    This movie is probably tied with number nine on this list to be EASILY my most rewatched MCU movie. This is such a perfect Spider-Man tale within the MCU it is crazy. Highschool kid just dying to be taken serious, does not really want to join the adult table with the Avengers just wants to be seen as an equal. I want to address the dumbest complaint in MCU history. I will specifically call them out because they all tend to be Raimi Spider-Man fan boys who just hate everything about this character. Spider-Man "fans" hate Spider-Man more than anyone else in the world. The complaint is this, people calling him Iron-Boy jr. because he works with Tony and got his suit from him. Meanwhile this movie specifically re points out that Peter makes his own web fluid, and even has the final boss battle in his homemade sweatshirt Spider-Man suit. "Oh it is really an Iron Man movie", how long do you think Iron Man is in this 133 minutes run time? He was on set for three days total, and only has 15 minutes screen time. So nearly a full TWO HOURS without him, shut up idiots.

12. WandaVision (2021) - IMDb Score: 8.0

    Wow this show man. It was RISKY for it to be the first MCU Disney+ show (it was supposed to be the second) to be released. And they knew it, releasing the first two episodes on release day but they sent the first THREE to critics because that is when the turn/reveal happens. Aka trusting fans to trust the process but still wanting to get good press about it. This show became a monster week to week dominating the tv conversation. Which honestly ended up being a detriment to itself, with so many fan theories and so many people that were upset their theories were wrong. This show set up something I still think is a "theme" or common cord with Phase 4, misdirection.

11. The Avengers (2012) - IMDb Score: 8.0

    Nobody thought it possible to actually do a cohesive Avengers movie. The idea of setting six different superheroes in other movies then bringing them all together was a rambling of a crazy person. It had never been done and no other studio has successfully done it since. By the history of Hollywood this movie should never have been made and definitely should not have worked. But it did, and it is glorious. This was the first giant crazy leap the MCU took and now looking back on it I bet part of you went "ha there was only six heroes in that one?". I mean heck Ant-Man and the Wasp technically has five in it alone. Meanwhile Endgame had three dozen. From six to thirty-six. This movie will always deserve more respect, not just for being an incredible movie but for how it changed how we look at comic book movies. Comic book movies no longer have to be individual solo movies only about one singular character, now the possibilities are endless.

10. Black Panther (2018) - IMDb Score: 7.3

    Man what a beautiful movie. This is easily my most "controversial" take on this list having this at 10. I understand a ton of people have it top five so here is my defense. That last fight scenes CGI is SO bad it is genuinely impossible for me to put it higher in good faith. It is the worst CGI in the MCU, and stems from the director, production designer and the storyboards used for those scenes just never once talking to someone who does the CGI work. I will not pretend to be a CGI expert so here is a great video on the subject of CGI in the MCU. If you do not have the time or just do not care to watch the video, the gist of it is lighting. CGI works best when there is a single (or dominant) source of light so all of the shadows can match and makes it look "real". The story itself is amazing, the actors are incredible, it is literally just the CGI in this movie that is my biggest issue and it is too big to ignore.

9. Doctor Strange (2016) - IMDb Score: 7.5

    I have an obvious bias towards this movie that I do my best to avoid. Doctor Strange is my favorite comic book character and Benedict Cumberbatch is one of my favorite actors. That said this movie was actually very well done for a character that very easily could have been screwed up including having some of the best (if not THE best) special effects in the entire MCU. I am still mad this movie lost the Best Special Effects Oscar to Jungle Book. This movies special effects are Inception on steroids, mixed with an insane acid trip which was so beautifully Doctor Strange. As a huge fan of the character I was happy they got him right. 

8. Loki (2021) - IMDb Score: 8.5

    This will more than likely climb even higher on this list at some point. It already cracking the top 10 is insane. Loki was an absolute gamechanger to the MCU. Outstanding acting all around and such beautiful fan wish fulfilment that will carry good will in the MCU for a longtime. Something to remember is if you loved Loki, is the head writer / show runner Michael Waldron is also the writer for the upcoming Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness. He also was picked by Kevin Feige to be the writer for his eventual Star Wars movie whenever that happens. I feel like this is the point in this list where just everything about the show/movie is incredible so it is just picking favorites almost.

7. Thor: Ragnarok (2017) - IMDb Score: 7.9

    Ragnarok and the reinvention of Thor. For two solo films and two Avengers movies Chris Hemsworth's Thor was much more stoic and serious. This movie changed so much even in preproduction, it was sold to fans originally as this dark serious movie about Ragnarok. And then a mad man from New Zealand stepped in and saved the character from mediocrity. Hemsworth was done with the character, and was ready to step away just like Chris Evans and RDJ. But Taika Waititi came in and injected life into this franchise that was the bottom of the barrel of the MCU and turned it into a fan favorite project. This movie is A LOT of fans number one MCU movie. I have friends that enjoy the MCU but are not obsessed fans like myself but they will watch this movie every time it comes on. Must watch tv for the millions of times it has been played on TNT. Honestly we would not be getting a fourth Thor movie in Thor Love and Thunder if not for Taika.

6. Captain America: Civil War (2016) - IMDb Score: 7.8

    It is crazy how far we came between Avengers and Civil War in four short years. We went from a single team of six heroes being the biggest thing ever in a movie, to having two teams of six heroes fighting each other at an airport all because a ninety something old man could not tell one of his closest friends the truth about his parents death when he found out years before. Yes I am #TeamIronMan why do you ask? It was all Steve's fault haha. Oh yeah and they introduced Black Panther and Spider-Man brilliantly, just something casual.

5. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - IMDb Score: 8.0

    GotG was the biggest surprise hit of the entire MCU. They did not take the original team, not even the (at the time) current team line up, James Gunn picked exactly who he wanted and weaved an amazing tale about a group of criminals including a racoon and a tree finding a family in each other. This was the ultimate heat check for the Marvel Studios and they passed with flying colors. Something that I think is over looked is the amazing soundtrack REALLY helped audiences connect with this movie. It really gave this movie a sense of familiarity. The cast is amazing and is hilarious from top to bottom. This is your friendly reminder that BRADLEY COOPER is the voice of Rocket. That is still so weird to me, my brain refuses to accept that is his voice.

4. Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014) - IMDb Score: 7.7
    Captain America Winter Soldier has a really solid argument to be the best "film" in the MCU. The cleanest, most structurally sound in photography and writing that is well casted and acted throughout the entire movie. I love it, I feel like everyone does so there is not much I can say right here that would be new from what you have heard before. So instead I offer you this question that I have seen debated, is the Captain America trilogy better than the Nolan Batman trilogy. Leave your thoughts in the comments. 

3. Iron Man (2008) - IMDb Score: 7.9

    Okay I feel like if you have not scrolled ahead you might have still figured it out by now so I will say it here. I believe Iron Man is the best individual MCU film if the last two Avengers movies have to be separate. I chose to cheat and not separate them. Iron Man started it all, it laid the groundwork and set the tone for the entire MCU. Robert Downey Jr. was incredible and a perfect casting to be Tony Stark. He changed the comic character, that is how big his impact has been. RDJ changed the fabric of the source material where they now copy him not the other way around. To think Tom Cruise was almost in the suit, I honestly do not think the MCU happens if it was not RDJ. Special shoutout to Terrence Howard, great actor but what an idiot for trying to get more money than RDJ so he did not come back for Iron Man 2 and Rhodes was recasted. I wonder how much Terrence regrets those contract negotiations.

1a/1b. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) / Avengers: Endgame (2019) - IMDb Score: 8.4 / 8.4

    Big surprise here, I know I am cheating putting them together but just hear me out. Initially these movies were pitched to us as Infinity War Part 1 and Part 2. Then the directors, the Russo brothers, decided they would like to have a name change because they wanted to drive home the importance of these being two separate movies. Well, they were wrong about two things (yes I know more than the directors of the movies lol), I still see these as one movie as they are the culmination of twenty plus movies. Also they were wrong about Steve being in an alternate timeline when he went back to Peggy. I still hold he was in the same timeline and lived out his entire life in the main MCU timeline. I am not coming up with this on my own that is exactly what the writers of the movies Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus said and I am just agreeing with them. This also now fits in with Black Widow where David Harbors Alexei brings up multiple times that he fought Captain America in the 1980's during the Cold War, a time period where Steve was long on ice. If you care to hear more about this theory(fact) I talked about it in my Black Widow review blog. One last thing, Infinity War rightfully deserved an Oscar but was robbed by movie snobs. Infinity War was up for best special effects and lost to FIRST MAN, a lovely movie do not get me wrong but it is embarassing to think it beat IW when you look at the insanely beautiful CGI of Thanos.

    Thank you so much for reading! I would love to hear your list as well, send it to me on twitter @HaroldLStokes or leave it in the comments below! Please share with friends on all social media platforms and I cannot wait for the next installment of the MCU in Shang-Chi

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