Wonder Woman 1984 Plot Theory

This theory is based off of all promotional trailers and clips, and interviews including today’s DCFandome SPOILERS if I am correct (I think I am) The film opens with Diana Prince / Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Barbara Minerva (aka Cheetah played by Kristen Wiig) working together in the 1980s in a museum, maybe the Smithsoneum in Washington D.C., and they are close friends who work and hangout together. Barbara is a more shy person who only really opens herself up to Diana and really wants to come out of her shell but is too nervous and shy. We get flashbacks of Diana on Themyscira, home of the Amazons, showing her competing multiple times in the Amazonian Games competing against her amazonian sisters. In the background of the story we become aware of the Cold War going on, meanwhile a new political candidate comes onto the scene to challenge Ronald Reagan for the US Presidency. Maxwell Lord is this charismatic character, who is a billionaire who is using his money and power for p...