
HLS Movie Awards: Top 116 Movies of 2021 Part 2! 100-91

     Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to discuss Part 2 of the top 116 movies of 2021, this time 100-91. Part one we discussed many popular well-known movies that flopped quality wise (and box office in some cases) but this next section really begins off with a few more but ultimately are movies we enjoyed but still could have been much better. We might have loved movies you hated, or hated ones you loved, let us know in the comments or on Twitter  @HLSEntrtainment  or my personal Twitter  @HaroldLStokes .       Now like always with every movie I am going to be putting what I personally think is the safest grading scale out there, the IMDB user rating score. Here is a simple breakdown of what their 0.0-10 grading scale means: 0.1-5.0  = Horrible waste of time 5.1-6.4  = Risky might be good might be garbage 6.5-7.4  = Good solid movie 7.5+      = Movie that is widely adored / enjoyed Now ...

HLS Movie Awards: Top 116 Movies of 2021 Part 1! 116-101

     Welcome to the first installment of the third annual HLS Movie Awards! For the past few years, we have watch as many films that came out that year as we can from all the big blockbusters to all the award season hopefuls and everything in between. This year the total number of 2021 films watched was 116. Today we are going to cover the worst of the worst and reveal the rankings of 116-101. If you are curious how this works here is a link to  last year's 92-81  and last year's  HLS Movie Awards . How were these movies judged? They were judged based on the quality of the film itself compared with the enjoyment or emotional reaction the movie gives the viewer. For better or worse for the reaction. We might have loved movies you hated, or hated ones you loved, let us know in the comments or on Twitter  @HLSEntrtainment  or my person Twitter  @HaroldLStokes .       Now like always with every movie I am going to be putting w...

HLS Movie Awards 2021: Streaming Award Nominees

     Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! Today we are going to be doing two things, discuss the nominees for the third annual HLS Movie Awards Streaming Award and discuss the schedule for the HLS Movie Awards. The Streaming Award honors the streaming service that had the best year putting out films, and schedule will be breaking down when to expect every blog of the Top 115 Movies of 2021 and the award nominations!     Last year was the first time we decided to add the Streaming Award because 2020 was a year that had most film fans locked away at home and had movie theaters closed. Where did this leave the piles of movies set to come out? Well, the biggest were shifted around on the movie release schedule, meanwhile the smaller non blockbuster films were either shelved, put on demand for rent, or their rights were bought up by streaming services. 2020 put us in a unique situation of having more access to higher quality films easier than normal years, and this has...

All 32 MCU Titles Ranked

     Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! It is 2022 a new year so you know what that means, let us look through the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and come up with a new MCU ranking. At this point there have been 32 MCU properties, films and tv shows, total and it is time we see where all they rank! I am going to go through each property putting the IMDb score next to it and discussing likes and dislikes for the property. Yes, the list starts with #31 after saying there are 32, just go with it trust me. Before we get started, be sure to follow me on Twitter  @HaroldLStokes  and let me know what your top 5 for the MCU are! On to the ranking! 31. The Incredible Hulk (2008)     IMDb Score: 6.6     The forgotten Marvel Studios film, The Incredible Hulk was the SECOND film in the entire MCU releasing just a few months after Iron Man in 2008. The movie starred Edward Norton as the MCU's original Bruce Banner before Mark Ruffalo took over the role ...