Baby Yoda: The True Chosen One?

!!BIG SPOILERS FOR THE MANDALORIAN!! In Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace, young Anakin is found by Qui-Gon Jinn and is brought back to Jedi temple on Coruscant to be tested and trained. It is found out that young Anakin has a connection to the force that rivals Jedi Master Yoda. Qui-Gon seems immediately jump to the idea that he must be the Chosen One, the foretold force user that would bring balance to the force and defeat the darkside.. Well we know how well that goes. But what exactly is the prophecy? What does bring balance to the force mean? We never really get a true answer to these questions. The main thought process I feel like a lot of people should agree on is that this prophecy ultimately was not in favor of the Jedi. The Jedi had grown massively powerful and corrupt more focused on serving the Republic than the Force. The thought process is maybe Anakin DID bring balance to the Force by destroying and hunting down the Jedi, bringing a balance...