All 32 MCU Titles Ranked
Welcome back to HLS Entertainment! It is 2022 a new year so you know what that means, let us look through the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and come up with a new MCU ranking. At this point there have been 32 MCU properties, films and tv shows, total and it is time we see where all they rank! I am going to go through each property putting the IMDb score next to it and discussing likes and dislikes for the property. Yes, the list starts with #31 after saying there are 32, just go with it trust me. Before we get started, be sure to follow me on Twitter @HaroldLStokes and let me know what your top 5 for the MCU are! On to the ranking! 31. The Incredible Hulk (2008) IMDb Score: 6.6 The forgotten Marvel Studios film, The Incredible Hulk was the SECOND film in the entire MCU releasing just a few months after Iron Man in 2008. The movie starred Edward Norton as the MCU's original Bruce Banner before Mark Ruffalo took over the role ...